
"You are Loved" New Years Campaign

5:59 PM

***12/18/15 UPDATE ITEMS NEEDED***
Deodorant: 41 needed
Shampoo: 78 needed
Body Wash/Soap: 63 needed
Toothpaste: 44 needed


It's that time of the year again! We're busy with all the preparations for our upcoming New Years Events. We are celebrating our 8th New year event! This year's theme is "You are Loved". We are gifting 100 care packages to the homeless of Downtown Miami.

We are extremely humbled and grateful because the Lord is good. His faithfulness has remained from the start and we believe strongly in Jesus name that He has wonderful things in store for His people.

At the heart of our annual New Years campaign is the desire to share the love of Jesus with all who feel abandoned. At our last ministry meeting, we discussed an important idea: what's the point of these care package gifts? Won't they be used up in a couple weeks? It won't change the situation at all, so why even do it?

Here at JROL, we believe in gifting with love. Our goal is that these gifts will touch the hearts of those who believe that they are forgotten. There is One that sees every single person on this planet and He knows their every need. He uses His people to deliver a message to the broken-hearted:
"You see? You're not alone. There is someone who cares."

And so this Holiday season, let's unite to give a gift with the purpose of stirring the hearts that have become hardened and isolated from God's love.


Care Package Details:

Each care package will be filled with these Top 5 TRAVEL SIZE essential items: 

- Tooth Paste
- Tooth Brush
- Body Wash
- Shampoo
- Deodorant

Additional items may include: snacks, socks, body/face wipes, hand santizers, etc.

The donation deadline is December 14th.

If you would like to place a donation box at your business or church, please let us know and we will get one you to.

Event Date Details:

What: New Years 2016 Campaign
Where: Downtown Miami;
Apprx. Address: 532 North Miami Avenue, Miami, Fl, 33169
When: Monday, Dec 28th, 2015 (7:30 PM)

For questions, donations, or box requests please contact 786 879 0352 or info@jesusrockoflife.org


- Yanelys
JROL Events

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